Critical Care Surveys

The Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses (CACCN) accepts surveys for distribution to our members that fit with the mandate/mission of the CACCN and that work towards the advancement of critical care nursing, the care of critically ill patients and their families, or the health/safety of critical care nurses.  The majority of the surveys we accept are research based and we have a formal process that is followed when a party wishes to submit a survey for consideration. 

If you are interested in having CACCN distribute your survey, please review the survey distribution request information. Forward requests with required information to

Surveys / Participant RecruitmentPurposeLinkContact
Chronic Hand Eczema (CHE)

L’eczéma chronique des mains
We invite you to participate in a research survey that aims to shed light on the impact of chronic hand eczema (CHE) among nurses. Our research seeks to understand your experiences, challenges, and needs related to living with CHE.

Nous vous invitons à participer à une enquête de recherche visant à mieux comprendre l’impact de l’eczéma chronique des mains (ECM) chez les infirmières. Notre étude cherche à recueillir vos expériences, défis, et besoins liés à cette condition.
Invitation EN/FR

Link EN
Link FR

December 13, 2024
CACCN in partnership with the Canadian Association of Neonatal Nurses and LEO Pharma
Needs Assessment:
Wound Care / Pressure Injury Prevention
CACCN in partnership with Smith+Nephew is looking at offering a series of webinars around wound care, including pressure injury prevention (PIP) in 2025. Your input is important in helping us in understanding and addressing the educational needs of critical care nurses around wound care, including pressure injury prevention (PIP).Link to Survey

December 15, 2024
CACCN in partnership with the Smith+Nephew 


CACCN National Office

Survey Results

ISMP Canada – Neuromuscular blocking agents – colour to be used for this product’s aluminum ferrule and cap. The product will have the same concentration as the currently marketed cisatracurium product. Results