Practice Guidelines, Position Statements

Practice Guidelines/Information:

CACCN Position Statements

The CACCN develops position statements to provide summaries of the Association’s view on issues pertaining to critical care nurses and their nursing practice.  Critical Care Nurses from across the country participate in the creation of all position statements.  Position statements are reviewed a minimum of every five years to ensure applicability to practice.

CACCN encourages members to review position statements from their provincial regulatory nursing body, as well as the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA).  

Printing and copying for personal use is acceptable.  Adoption, redistribution and / or commercial use is prohibited without express written permission of CACCN.  Please contact National Office providing your name, contact telephone, contact email, and the purpose for redistribution of the materials.  The Board of Directors of CACCN will review your request and respond. 

Restraint Position Statements and Policies:  CACCN has not created a restraint position statement as there is a wealth of information available to members through other nursing sources: