
CACCN publishes the Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing (CJCCN), provides Standards for Critical Care Nursing Practice, and Practice Guidelines and Position Statements for our members and critical care nurses in Canada and abroad.

Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing

  • Member Access – to current and past issues (2010 to present)
  • Catalogue of articles – 1984 to present
  • New: Information for Authors for manuscript submission
  • Purchase a publication (article reprint, journal back issue or subscription)
  • Advertise in the CJCCN
  • Purchase a Subscription, Reprint, Back Issue: Publications Order Form

Standards for Critical Care Nursing Practice

  • The 5th edition of the CACCN Standards for Critical Care Nursing Practice was completed in Summer 2017. 
  • The Standards are available for download
  • CACCN Members receive a copy of the Standards as a benefit of CACCN membership (a $30.00 value) (while supplies last)!  
  • Purchase a copy of the Standards: Publications Order Form

Practice Guidelines and Position Statements

  • The CACCN develops position statements to provide summaries of the Association’s view on issues pertaining to critical care nurses and their nursing practice. 
  • Critical Care Nurses from across the country participate in the creation of all position statements. 
  • Position statements are reviewed a minimum of every five years to ensure applicability to practice.